Marjari: Cat (MAHR-jahr-ee-AH-sun-ah)
Adho Mukha Svanasana - Plankasana - Anahatasana
Key Actions: Hasta Bandha - Sternum and sitting bones lift skyward - Pelvis rotates forward
Apana: Tailbone grounds down, elongating lumbar curve as you contract. Hasta Bandha activated in hands directly beneath the shoulders.
Samana: Activate the tidal pull through your core pulling your tail and crown of the head towards each other; scapula retract down the back.
Prana: Sternum lifts skyward, cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center rolling shoulders back and down as you extend.
Vyana: extend through the three rivers of the spine from navel to heart (central channel lengthen from pubic bone to navel to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collar bones broaden through chest as you extend.
Udana: Energy rises up arms and legs from a the Earth, ischial tuberosities reach skyward rotating the pelvis forward as you extend, back of the heart expands skyward as you contract, skull follows movement as a natural extension of spine.
Key Actions: Hasta Bandha - Sternum and sitting bones lift skyward - Pelvis rotates forward
Apana: Tailbone grounds down, elongating lumbar curve as you contract. Hasta Bandha activated in hands directly beneath the shoulders.
Samana: Activate the tidal pull through your core pulling your tail and crown of the head towards each other; scapula retract down the back.
Prana: Sternum lifts skyward, cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center rolling shoulders back and down as you extend.
Vyana: extend through the three rivers of the spine from navel to heart (central channel lengthen from pubic bone to navel to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collar bones broaden through chest as you extend.
Udana: Energy rises up arms and legs from a the Earth, ischial tuberosities reach skyward rotating the pelvis forward as you extend, back of the heart expands skyward as you contract, skull follows movement as a natural extension of spine.
coming soon
HA/Solar - Contract - Triceps, Serratus Anterior, Core Abdominals
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Spinal Extensors
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Triceps, Serratus Anterior, Core Abdominals
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Pectorals, Core Abdominals