Nata: dancer - Raja: King (NAHT-tah-RAHJ-AH-sun-ah)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - Rajakapotasana - Ardha Dhanurasana in Uttanasana - Virabhadrasana III (Variation holding ankle)
Key Actions: Pada Banda - Engaged pelvis - Mula Bandha - Foot/Hand Pressure - Uddiyana Bandha to support the upper thoracic
Apana: Pada Banda grounds the standing foot. Tailbone grounds down towards supporting heel to elongate lumbar curve. Scapula retract down the back. Glutes relax away from sacrum.
Samana: Uddiyana banda engages in and up supporting the spine. Pelvis becomes the counterpoint from which Vyana vayu of the backbend expands. Elbows hug in ‘pinchamayurasana’ arms.
Prana: Sternum lifts up and back. Cobra action in the chest expands from pubic bone up to heart center. Back foot rising.
Vyana: Lifted foot presses up and back into the hands or strap. Extending up and back through the spine and sides of the waist. Collarbones broaden. Sternum and back foot expand away from each other.
Udana: Earth energy rises up the standing leg. Quadriceps rise up the femur pressing the thigh back. Skull reaches up and out as an extension of the spine.
Key Actions: Pada Banda - Engaged pelvis - Mula Bandha - Foot/Hand Pressure - Uddiyana Bandha to support the upper thoracic
Apana: Pada Banda grounds the standing foot. Tailbone grounds down towards supporting heel to elongate lumbar curve. Scapula retract down the back. Glutes relax away from sacrum.
Samana: Uddiyana banda engages in and up supporting the spine. Pelvis becomes the counterpoint from which Vyana vayu of the backbend expands. Elbows hug in ‘pinchamayurasana’ arms.
Prana: Sternum lifts up and back. Cobra action in the chest expands from pubic bone up to heart center. Back foot rising.
Vyana: Lifted foot presses up and back into the hands or strap. Extending up and back through the spine and sides of the waist. Collarbones broaden. Sternum and back foot expand away from each other.
Udana: Earth energy rises up the standing leg. Quadriceps rise up the femur pressing the thigh back. Skull reaches up and out as an extension of the spine.
coming soon
HA/Solar - Contract - Biceps, Anterior Deltoid, Rhomboids, Trapezius (lower fibers), Spinal Extensors, Adductors; RISING LEG: Hamstrings (lower fibers), Glutes, Gastrocnemius, Soleus; STANDING LEG: Iliopsoas, Quadriceps, Tibialis Anterior
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Triceps, Latissimus Dorsi, Pectorals, Core Abdominals (eccentric contraction), Abductors; RISING LEG: Iliopsoas, Quadriceps (upper fibers), Tibialis Anterior; STANDING LEG: Glutes, Hamstring, Gastrocnemius, Soleus