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Standing Mandala of Asanas

Purpose: develop balance and stability, awakens concentration, stimulate apana vayu and pacify vata; used

primarily in the beginning of practice in the solar wave


Form part of the “middle core vinyasa” of each wave within the main structure of the class


Ways of Sequencing: combining two poses; combining with other groups such as arm balances & shoulder

openers (intermediate sequencing); working in a multi-directional way (advanced sequencing)


The Vinyasa of Standing Poses: twisting standing poses always preceded by classical counterpart or other poses

that prepare the hips, hamstrings, spine; as a new teacher, work with only 2 poses at a time in linking; transitions from internally rotated standing to externally rotated standing poses that have extreme weight-bearing on the femur head are not recommended.

Four Movements of Lunge

Refers to the distribution of prana from the pelvis to the legs in four energetic directions.


This forms the basis energetic alignment for all bent leg standing poses of the Vira 1 and Vira 2 family.


The breath movement is:

1) inhale uddiyana bandha and 2) exhale four movements of lunge.


This is the opposite of a cat’s breath movement but corresponds with the grounding , downward force of apana vayu to open the hips which is best served with exhalation. Teach the first two movements together with the exhalation and then add the third and fourth movements. There is also the extension of the chest as a natural backben. Finally, express the energy as an organic flow of the movements of prana.

Inhale - activate uddiyana bandha by coiling form the lower pubis to the navel (samana vayu). From this action, all of the below movements flow with the exhale.


Four Movements:
1. From the center, draw the front knee over the ankle while resisting the front shin back simultaneously (vyana vayu)

2. From the center, press back through the core of the leg to radiate from the back heel (vyana vayu)
3. From the Center, anchor the hip of your front leg (apana vayu)
4. As the front hip drops, lift the underneath of the back leg upwards (prana vayu) â€‹


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Denver, Colorado

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