Laghu Vajrasana
Laghu: Small - Vajra: Thunderbolt (LAH-goo-vahj-RAH-sun-ah)
Ustrasana - Kapotasana - Dhanurasana - Standing Anahata
Key Actions: Shins/tops of Feet Grounded - Mula Bandha - Hands reach for the back of the knees at first - then progress to reach for the front.
Apana: Tops of the feet press into earth, aligning hips over knees. Lengthen the tailbone down with hands on sacrum or heels.
Samana: Inner thighs draw towards center awakening Mula Bandha and maintaining hip width distance of the knees. Uddiyana Bandha engages in and up supporting the natural curvature of the spine, elbows and shoulder blades hug together behind you.
Prana: Sternum lifts up and back. Cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center.
Vyana: Hips stretch forward maintaining alignment over the knees- extend through the side bodies and central channel of the spine. Lengthen from pubic bone to navel, sternum to crown. Broaden the collarbones.
Udana: Earth energy rises up the legs into the base of the pelvis, skull reaches up and out as an extension of the spine. Look towards heart if neck is sensitive.
Key Actions: Shins/tops of Feet Grounded - Mula Bandha - Hands reach for the back of the knees at first - then progress to reach for the front.
Apana: Tops of the feet press into earth, aligning hips over knees. Lengthen the tailbone down with hands on sacrum or heels.
Samana: Inner thighs draw towards center awakening Mula Bandha and maintaining hip width distance of the knees. Uddiyana Bandha engages in and up supporting the natural curvature of the spine, elbows and shoulder blades hug together behind you.
Prana: Sternum lifts up and back. Cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center.
Vyana: Hips stretch forward maintaining alignment over the knees- extend through the side bodies and central channel of the spine. Lengthen from pubic bone to navel, sternum to crown. Broaden the collarbones.
Udana: Earth energy rises up the legs into the base of the pelvis, skull reaches up and out as an extension of the spine. Look towards heart if neck is sensitive.
coming soon
HA/Solar - Contract - Triceps, Posterior Deltoids, Trapezius (lower fibers), Rhomboids, Spinal Extensors, Quadriceps (lower fibers), Hamstrings (upper fibers), Adductors, Gastrocnemius, Soleus
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Biceps, Anterior Deltoid, Pectorals, Core Abdominals (eccentric contraction), Iliopsoas (eccentric contraction), Rectus Femoris (eccentric contraction), Abductors, Tibialis Anterior