Anahata: Heart chakra, unstruck sound (ah-NAH-haht-AH-sun-ah)
Parivrtta Anahatasana - Marjariasana - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Key Actions: Hasta Bandha - cobra chest - forward pelvic tilt, sitting bones rise
Apana: Toes press into the Earth in Surya Pada helping to tip the pelvis forward, sternum melts into gravity, Hasta Bandha activated in the hands directly in front of shoulders, skull rests in support of the Earth.
Samana: Pull through the lower belly, scapula retract down the back, triceps revolve arms down and away from the base of the neck.
Prana: Cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center.
Vyana: Heels radiate back in Surya Pada, extend the three rivers of the navel to heart (central channel lengthen from pubic bone to navel to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collarbones broaden through chest, hands reach away from the hips
Udana: Energy rises up arms and legs from the Earth, with hips over the knees let your ischial tuberosities reach skyward rotating the pelvis forward as you extend, buoyant shoulders.
Key Actions: Hasta Bandha - cobra chest - forward pelvic tilt, sitting bones rise
Apana: Toes press into the Earth in Surya Pada helping to tip the pelvis forward, sternum melts into gravity, Hasta Bandha activated in the hands directly in front of shoulders, skull rests in support of the Earth.
Samana: Pull through the lower belly, scapula retract down the back, triceps revolve arms down and away from the base of the neck.
Prana: Cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center.
Vyana: Heels radiate back in Surya Pada, extend the three rivers of the navel to heart (central channel lengthen from pubic bone to navel to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collarbones broaden through chest, hands reach away from the hips
Udana: Energy rises up arms and legs from the Earth, with hips over the knees let your ischial tuberosities reach skyward rotating the pelvis forward as you extend, buoyant shoulders.
coming soon
HA/Solar - Contract - Triceps, Anterior Deltoids, Rhomboids, Iliopsoas, Quadriceps (upper fibers), Hamstrings (lower fibers), Gastrocnemius, Soleus
THA/Lunar - Lengthen - Biceps, Posterior Deltoid, Pectorals, Glutes, Quadriceps (lower fibers), Hamstrings (upper fibers), Tibialis Anterior